More than half of the top 1,000 online stores now use text message marketing, but that doesn’t imply they’re ignoring email or other forms of advertising. Although they have certain similarities, it is essential to construct email and sms messaging services that provide a consistent and individualised experience for your users.
Emails are often read at a more leisurely pace than text messages, so they’re perfect for disseminating information that isn’t time-sensitive or that you want your readers to think about for a while before acting on. Use text message marketing for urgent, immediate alerts that don’t need to be looked up later.
What texting and email have in common and what each has to offer.
Emails are often read at a more leisurely pace than text messages, so they’re perfect for disseminating information that isn’t time-sensitive or that you desire your readers to think about for a while before acting on. Use text message marketing for urgent, immediate alerts that don’t need to be looked up later.
Goals for the channel must be identified, established, and evaluated.
The success of a programme may be measured and optimization possibilities can be found if clear objectives are established beforehand. After you’ve settled on some objectives, it’s time to draw up a plan for how you’ll evaluate your progress. Although the key performance indicators (KPIs) for email and SMS marketing are similar, they may vary from one company to the next and even from one campaign to the next, depending on the goal of the effort.
Key performance indicators for emails: opens, clicks, conversions, revenues (per subscriber, per send), and new subscriber growth.Key performance indicators for text messages include click-through rates, conversion rates, revenue (per subscriber/per send), and new subscriber growth.
Please take notice that when you introduce SMS marketing as a new channel, you may begin to observe a movement in audience growth and money away from your email marketing efforts. Your most dedicated clients will most certainly sign up for both channels, although they may prefer to convert via SMS messaging. Realize that this change is not a setback but rather an opportunity for your CRM initiative to expand. Consider this possibility while comparing results from different mediums.
Identifying and amassing a following.
Expanding your audience is the first step in creating a profitable channel, and it is essential to keep expanding your email and SMS subscriber bases. Despite the fact that you may be tempted to put off collecting email addresses in favour of growing your SMS subscriber base from scratch (a typical error made by marketers), you should keep this information gathering strategy in high gear. You shouldn’t let your email programme suffer for the sake of your new SMS service.
For maximum expansion in both directions, you may choose to gather mobile phone numbers from mobile site visitors and email addresses from desktop site visitors, or collect email addresses and mobile phone numbers from all site visitors. Cross-channel promotion, wherein campaigns are launched to encourage SMS sign-up via email or email sign-up through SMS, is another method for acquiring contacts. If you’re going to implement a cross-channel strategic option, make sure you use the right suppressions so you don’t bother those who have already signed up for both channels. Also, be sure you’re SMS compliant by adhering to all applicable text regulations.
Improvements to the customer experience with the use of texting and email.
email to sms share a lot of the same campaign themes and behavioral triggers: new product releases, flash deals, welcome message, and cart desertion triggers have have been shown to increase sales via both channels. It’s important to merge your phone message and email campaign strategies in a way that takes use of each channel’s unique capabilities while without overwhelming your subscribers. The most effective brand experiences are the result of a combination of complementary CRM initiatives rather than the efforts of separate departments.
We need to do some testing and fine-tuning.
After you’ve established a solid basis for SMS and email marketing, you can begin testing both channels to see which content, offers, and graphics are most effective in attracting your target demographic. We advise simply testing one variable at a time in email and SMS marketing to better identify the tweaks that lead to increased engagement and sales.
Title tag, media networks, original works and layouts, offer type, and call to action are just few of the important elements that may be evaluated. For further in-depth testing, you may label your SMS and email members to separate your audience into subsets based on whether they get your messages through one or both channels. This enables you to get insight about client subscription activity across channels in order to better understand how they react to messages.
We advise running the tests at least three times to achieve statistical significance and draw a definitive conclusion. You need to experiment and figure out what your target demographic responds to best since what performs for one company may not function for another.