So, below, you will be surprised with so many advantages. And is not for less! In short, when we are in a sacred environment, we have the incredible possibility of connecting with the Heavenly Father, the Supreme Creator who loves us indistinctly.
Thus, we renew our energies and strengthen ourselves for the challenges of life!
+ Who is God?
+ The religiosity that is born with the Human Being
See the 5 benefits of religious practice that we selected for you:
1.Reduces the risk of mortality
An investigation carried out by the professor of epidemiology Tyler J. VanderWeele, from Harvard University , in the United States, revealed that going to a church at least once a week can reduce mortality from 20% to 30% in a period of up to 15 years.
These data are from a study that compared, over two decades, the life expectancy of adults who followed a religion and others who did not practice any religious practice visit
2. Decreases rates of depression
In the same investigation it is revealed that religious people tend to be more optimistic in the future and with less risk of depression. Which also justifies the lower number of suicides in people who work on their spirituality.
Professor VanderWeele also states in the study that religion is “more than an individual practice, it is collective and supportive and brings great results to health” . In other words, the feeling of fraternity is encouraged and constantly worked on in these peaceful environments, making people take better care of themselves and, at the same time, build a better world for all, based on their acts of solidarity. \either/
+ How to overcome sadness and depression?
+ What if death was not the end of life?
3. Religious experiences provide a cognitive structure to deal with traumatic situations
Since the 2000s, the Legion of Good Will (LBV), a Brazilian non-governmental organization, has proposed a space for dialogue between the most diverse areas of knowledge, in order to discuss fundamental issues aimed at the progress of Humanity: the Spirit and Science World Forum .
In August 2015, in Brasília/DF, Brazil, another edition of the event was held at the World Parliament of the Ecumenical Fraternity, the LBV’s ParlaMundi . In one of the conferences, Dr. Julio Peres, psychologist and doctor in Neuroscience and Behavior from the University of São Paulo (USP), reported that, according to some studies, “most of the time, spirituality, religiosity , favors the overcoming of traumas in the therapeutic setting ” .
from left to right, the ParlaMundi, the administrative headquarters and the Temple of Good Will.
He explains that religious experiences, such as prayer and meditation, provide a cognitive framework for dealing with traumatic situations.
“ In the therapeutic process, by talking about spirituality, I can potentiate the capacities of the patients. I am not going to indoctrinate the patient, but I am going to value that repertoire that he brings. (…) Spirituality can provide order and understanding of painful, chaotic and unpredictable events” , explained Dr. Julio.
The specialist also stated that, within psychotherapy, it is possible to consider traumas as opportunities for personal growth, thanks to the values promoted by religious practice, such as Courage, Wisdom and Love.
4. In the Third Age, religiosity is better for mental health than sports
When developing a study on depression in adults over fifty years old, the London School of Economics and Political Science found: people in this age group who attend religious activities have more benefits for mental health than those who practice sports, carry out social activities or study.
This result, which involved 9,000 Europeans, showed that, among the many activities in which these people are involved, the one that offers a more lasting feeling of happiness is that of attending religious celebrations.
What was interesting in this research was the revelation that belonging to other social circles, such as community institutions, offers, in terms of mental health, a short-term benefit—which is good.
However, in this way, depressive symptoms can appear after a certain time. The justification of the person responsible for the study, the epidemiologist Mauricio Avendano, was that the participants showed a strong feeling of reward when they start in an organization; but, when a lot of effort is required, without much return, the benefits vanish after a while—which is not the case with religion.
Therefore, it is the verification of a fascinating fact: when the human being really carries out an activity in which it is useful and perceives the return of his “effort” immediately, as in the case of religiosity, this generates a compensatory feeling to long term.
Because to a large extent, religious activities involve caring for your neighbor, and that fraternal feeling drives you to many other actions in the Good! \either/
5. Keep young people away from alcoholism and drugs
A study on overcoming vices, published at an academic conference at Chester University , UK, concluded that a religious childhood contributes to a future without risky behavior in the lives of young people.
This is because “religiosity can be especially protective during the transition period from adolescence to adulthood” , highlights the research.
What makes the difference is religious practice, that is, frequent participation in ceremonies and solidarity actions promoted by religions. Such attitudes are related to the development of healthy habits and, consequently, to a lower propensity to vices.