If you feel less hungry or feel full even after eating a little food, then it can be very dangerous. It is very important for a person to have enough nutritious food according to his age and weight. And if you eat less food, your bones become weak. Many such yoga asanas have been told in the science of yoga, which increases appetite and remove stomach problems. Triangle posture is also one such asana, which is beneficial in loss of appetite, spinal cord, and stomach problems. Let us tell you how to do triangle posture and what are its benefits.
The first way to do Triangle Asana:
You can do Triangle Asana in two ways. By the first method, it can be very easily done standing up. To do this asana, first, you stand straight and then spread them by making a distance of two to two and a half feet between your two feet. After this, keep your right leg straight and lift the right hand in the right line of the shoulder with the ear and then bend the left leg from the knees and slowly bend to the left and touch the left toe with the fingers of the left hand.
After staying in this position for 2-3 minutes, come back to the normal position. And now repeat this action on the right side in the same way. And while doing this, keep in mind that the palm of the hand kept above should always face in front.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asanas then you can join the Weight Loss Retreat In Rishikesh.
Another way to do Triangle Asana:
Triangle posture can be done in another method, in which it is done sitting. To do a Triangle asana with this method, sit with your right leg extended forward. Keep the right leg straight and straight and keep the left leg bent at the knee and taking it back, keep the heel close to the buttocks. After this, while bending your head and chest forward by spreading both your hands, try to hold or touch the toes of the right foot with the right hand and then the toes of the left foot with the left hand. During this, breathe normally and exhale. And after staying in this position for some time, come to the normal position. And then keep the left leg totally straight and repeat this action by taking the right leg back. In this way, practice this asana alternately with both legs.
Why Triangle Asana is Beneficial:
Triangle posture is very beneficial for the spine and its lower back. If a person has weak spinal bones, then he should do a regular triangle posture. And due to this, the movement and rotation of the body can be done better. Doing this has easy digestion power and increases appetite.
It removes lameness caused by injury to the bones of the buttocks, and upper thigh (natural or shin). Also, by doing a triangle posture, the blood circulation in the whole body is accelerated and all the parts of the body get energized. This asana also increases the working capacity of the body.