Strut cards are a basic but extremely effective way of marketing. The basic strut card may be tiny, but the lack of stature it compensates for with its impact.
Perfect for situations where your clients are likely to be close to your strut card’s message like counters at shops, bars tables, or in cafes.
Strut cards aren’t designed to be read at the distance or read by large numbers of people at once A3 Strut Cards were designed to be an individualised kind of advertisement to be read from the same distance.
Here’s The Reason You Should Have The Right Cards For Your Reception
Ideal For One-To-One Advertising
Receptions by nature are meant to be only one person talking and there is a lot of potential to profit from a similar type of one-to-one marketing, like strut cards.
Although strut cards are tiny compared to the majority of attention-seeking advertising platforms This isn’t an issue rather a horses for courses type of issue.
While commuters, pedestrians and other passers-by might glance at the bigger kinds of ads that surround us, there’s something appealing about a tiny strut card that simply asks to be read, and to spend a bit more time with.
Great For Providing Useful Information
The receptionist is in place for many reasons, but a major reason is to provide helpful information to the general public and guests.
Strut cards are a fantastic method to advertise your products or services, as well as to provide useful information to the space you are in or the service you offer.
As mentioned earlier, strut cards are an excellent way to encourage viewers to stop for an instant and take a look at the message that they are present with.
This is why they can also be a great method to give additional information or point them to sources that could be of use.
Create Waiting Times That Are Productive
Another reason why A6 Strut Cards are ideal in reception areas is that they help fill in the empty time that is naturally occurring .
By filling in this slot, you’re not just offering some entertainment to your customers. Additionally, you are taking the opportunity to communicate your message with no interruption to your visitors.
Disciplined And Unobtrusive
Strut cards are great when you’re short in space. They can be place in a neat manner on the desk of your reception. The strut card isn’t a hindrance to the receptionist or guest but still enjoy all the advantages already discuss.
Perfect For Advertising With The Basis Of A Budget
Strut cards are fairly cheap to create and consequently affordable to purchase. When deciding whether or not to go with the strut card for your reception, consider taking a look at the advantages of having them in comparison to the minimal price.
Five Great Advantages Of Using Strut Card
Point of sale marketing is just as well-known as it is efficient, particularly in the hospitality and retail industries. The rut card has been in use for quite a while and has grown in popularity in recent years.
They’re ideal in nearly every location, even when the space isn’t as big as areas that are already brimming with promotional materials. We’ve come up with five benefits of using strut cards in your marketing.

1. Engage Immediately With Your Clients
In the world of attention spans that are very short and time is valuable Strut cards are a great option to engage people quickly.
Create your own strut card using brief, concise text and a call-to-action. Everyone has a smartphone everywhere we go. Including QR codes and web addresses that are clear are great ways to convince users to take action right away.
2. Strut Cards Work Well When Used In Conjunction With Social Media
Most people are active on at most one social media platform. Make use of your strut cards to advertise contests or offers on social media channels.
Hashtags and teasers are fantastic for creating interest and driving traffic to your website. Strut cards that make clever use of text with minimal content are extremely efficient in building and promoting web presence.
3. Strut Cards With A Unique Design Draw Attention Everywhere
Counters, bars or tables could be cover in leaflets, and cover with posters, however strut cards pop up and are noticeable anywhere they’re.
Innovative use of colours and a powerful, hard-hitting headline can make your 3D strut cards leap into the air in a way that other ads just can’t.
4. Strut Cards Are Extremely Cost-Effective
Digital printing technology advances to the point that the strut card is within your budget and without a minimum amount your strut card can be customise to suit offers, specific items, and even specific types of customers.
There’s no reason printing more that you’ll want and your strut card will be in front of exactly the people you’re trying to reach and you’ll receive a huge return on your small cost.
5. Amazing Flexibility
You can carry your strut card with you wherever. They’re light and compact, which means you can take them to trade shows, various events, and in multiple locations.
They are able to be coat to make them stronger, which means they’ll keep functioning for you over and over whenever you’ll need them.

The Strut Card – 5 Reasons To Make Use Of It With Your Company’s Brand
The placement of marketing and advertising materials at the retail point has been a common tactic of trade in a variety of companies, particularly in the food and retail industry.
Strut cards are the preferred choice of numerous businesses due to a variety of reasons. However, in this technological age of digital hashtags, bright advertising strut cards have be redesign.
Strut Cards And Reasons Your Company Needs One
1. QR Codes Can Be Found On Cardstock, And You Have To Activate Them
It’s been a long time since in which you saw an advertisement that did not redirect you to additional information. Strut cards are tiny, quick and snappy clear, which is perfect for the current generation that is familiar with this kind of marketing.
We all have limited attention spans, and we don’t have time to read long texts and the strut card is a must particularly when they are accompanied by a QR code that will maximise an advertising spot.
2. Social Media And Cards To Strut
A hashtag displaying the strut card allows users to keep track of your story online. Strut cards are great to promote your company or product in a manner that entices people, since you don’t have a lot of space to write on.
Nowadays, the majority of advertising involves the use of hashtags because your message is part of a larger campaign.
The use of rut cards is to encourage people to participate on social media because they are utilise for promotions such as loyalty cards or for a specific promotional offer.
3. Creativity
Similar to how other print designs have gone from colourful, creative and imaginative, strut cards are also no longer a traditional dimension and shape…the possibilities are limitless.
4. Strut Cards Can Be Cost-Effective.
It’s not necessary to have the funds to buy strut cards; in fact it’s often the reverse. Strut cards are inexpensive in both and (with the correct printing service) they will give an extremely durable and high-quality appearance.
5. Strut Cards Are Shiny
Today, strut cards look appealing to the eyes. A reputable printing service should provide you with the option of printing your strut card, particularly when it comes to the finishes.
For instance, we have matt lamination that provides a contemporary, soft look and gloss lamination provides a better shine finish as compared to gloss cards.
Lamination is also a possibility but it is best use when combine with solid colours or images that enhance the brightness.
A2 Strut Cards are an ideal option to advertise your company and get your customers involved. Make sure you invest in quality printing that will impress your clients and will speak highly of your brand and boost your business.