Acne problem is mainly linked with oily skin. Oily skin occurs when the sebaceous glands excrete out too much sebum. Sebum is the skin’s natural oil that lubricates and protects the skin. Too much can lead to breakouts of pores and acne. Although oily skin and acne often go hand in hand, dry skin can also have acne.Some people think that sebum is responsible for acne but no, that’s not the case. This is what you need to know about dry skin and acne, and what you can do to fight breakouts on dry skin. Sensitive skin reacts negatively to harsh skin care products. Everyone’s skin is different, so a product that works for one person may not work for you. This includes oil-based lotions, moisturizers, and sunscreens. Look for oil-free, non-comedogenic products. This is true for anyone with acne. Remember that products with alcohol, dyes and fragrances can irritate some people.
What causes acne on dry skin?:

The skin contains many hair follicles from which hair grows. Acne is a result of their blockage. Small glands near the surface of the skin produce sebum, an oil that prevents the skin from drying out. They can produce too much sebum, which clogs the hair follicle. These are either whiteheads or blackheads. To combat dryness, glands under the skin may produce more sebum. Excess sebum and dead skin can cause acne. Thus, dry skin and acne can coexist. Dry skin is usually the result of an underlying condition, such as dermatitis, which people commonly call eczema. Treating the underlying condition will reduce the dryness of the skin. Moisturisers usually come as creams, lotions, or oils. Strong moisturizers contain urea or lactic acid. These substances help the skin to retain water but can cause it to sting. These treatments are more effective but have additional side effects, thus increasing the risk of infection. Best Smelling Shampoo
•Treatments for Acne on Dry skin:
Don’t change your skin care routine:
Find what works and stick with it. Have a regular skin routine. Applying a new product can throw off a good routine and kick into a cycle of breakouts and then extreme dryness.
Wash or cleanse your face regularly:

Cleanse your face twice a day, but don’t take it off.
Choosing a cleanser with a milky texture, as it won’t strip the skin of its natural oils.
Retinol works to unclog pores by clearing dead skin cells, helping to keep pores clear. So, for dry skin, using them sparingly maybe once or twice a week rather than at night. If your skin is still sensitive to retinol, try mixing it with moisturizers.
Keep your skin hydrated:

It’s normal for people with acne-prone skin to fear moisture, but the reality is that all skin types need moisture. People with acne are afraid of oils, when in fact, they’re a great way to bring moisture back into the skin. For acne-prone skin, facial oils help reduce inflammation. This effect helps reduce breakouts and reduce post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that occurs after an acne flare up.
Be gentle to your skin:
Treat your skin gently. Avoid loofah-type face scrubbers and handheld mechanical face washers, as they can aggravate dryness and irritation. Another tip: stay away from drying, astringent products. Avoid alcohol-based toners because they often do little to treat acne, and they make more effective treatments like retinoids harder to tolerate.
Other treatments:
For dry skin, remove pimples with targeted treatments so the rest of the skin doesn’t dry out. A spot treatment delivers a powerful dose of active ingredient (usually salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide) to the troublesome pimple, but won’t dry out the surrounding area. If you use a benzoyl peroxide-based spot treatment, look for one with a concentration of 1%–2.5%. Research shows that higher-strength benzoyl peroxide causes more dryness and irritation and doesn’t help reduce acne any more effectively. You can use Spironolactone, The plus side of treating dry skin acne with an oral medication is that you can potentially avoid using treatments for the drying condition altogether. Also some medicines such as doxycycline or minocycline work on acnes and the bacteria that cause acne and also reduce inflammation in red, painful pimples.
Dry skin and acne are very common conditions that many people are struggling with. It is uncomfortable and definitely requires a treatment. Dry skin can lead to acne, but it can also be a sign of an underlying condition, such as dermatitis. Please follow this article we have given you a brief guide on how to treat it.