How to draw Pecan Nuts
Learn how to draw Pecan nuts with cool drawings instructions and a step-by-step tutorial. Now you can easily create a magnificent Pecan drawing. Pecan is the name of a tree and the nut that produces. Member of the Walnut and Hickory family, Pecan is from North America. Its name is derived from the word nut en Algonquins, an Amerindian language. Pecans have one of the highest fat content of all nuts, contributing to their rich taste.
Pecans are consumed raw, baked, crystallized, and in the context of sweet and salty dishes. Pecan is perhaps the best-known ingredient of Pecan Pie, a rich sweet confectionery often appreciated during Thanksgiving. If roasted nuts are on fire, a prepared pie, or a mix of a trail to pack before your great adventure, you can learn to draw a delicious cartoon. Take a pencil, gum, and crazy commitments to this easy tutorial to draw designed designs step by step!
Its name is derived from the word nut en Algonquins, an Amerindian language. Pecans have one of the highest fat content of all nuts, contributing to their rich taste.
Drawing Pecan Nuts
Step 1:
Start by drawing the shell of the first nut. Describe the outside of the shell using two curved lines at one point at one end. At the other extreme, draw a curved line, but don’t let it connect to the previous lines.
Step 2:
Then draw the protruding nut of the shell. Use three curved lines overlapping to form the nut’s three wolves. Then draw two curved lines in the center of the nut, pointing to the direction but not connecting to the wolf cavities.
Step 3:
Sketch another line on the flank of the nut. Then draw a “twin” – another nut – under the first using overlapping curved lines. Contour the shell around the space with similar curved lines.
Step 4:
Continue to texture the nut using curved lines. Then draw a second nut. Describe Shell using two curved lines. The lines must meet at a point at one end.
Step 5:
Texture the second nutshell using curved lines of different lengths. Then extend two parallel curved lines of the round end opposite the point to form the rod. Let the lines connect to a smooth point.
Step 6:
Draw a sheet connected to the rod. First, draw a short line to the leaf stem. Then extend two curved lines and allow them to meet at one point. Draw a curved line in the center of the sheet to indicate the central vein.
Step 7:
Draw a second sheet. Again, extend two curved lines and allow them to meet at one point. Draw a curved line in the center of the sheet to indicate the central vein. Finally, start the outline of a third nut. Use a long curved line and erase if necessary.
Step 8:
Use a series of curved lines that overlap to describe the edible fruits of walnut nuts.
Step 9:
Texture Pecan is drawing several wavy lines in the center.
Step 10:
Color your cartoons. Like most nuts, they are usually brown.
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